Bentley’s is committed to providing excellent customer service and aims to make all transactions as efficient as possible.


If you need to contact us, please email: info@bentleysdogfood.co.uk or telephone: 01206 803905


Simply select the items you wish to purchase and add each one to the shopping cart.  You can review your cart at anytime, add or subtract items or continuing to shop until you finalise your order. Once you have completed your order click ‘Checkout’ and you will be asked to provide details to enable you to complete the transaction.

Your card details can be entered in the relevant section during the checkout process. Alternatively Apple Pay or Google Pay may be available to you. If using one of these express options, make sure you do not have an old address saved as your delivery address as you may not be given the option to change it.

We do not hold any card details on our website, nor do we have access to the details you provide.


Some products are available for subscription ordering. This means there is a contract between us, that you agree to make an automatic payment at a billing interval of your choosing. As a response, we will send you your chosen product when each payment is cleared. A payment must be cleared before we ship any products to you.

Coupon codes cannot be used in conjunction with any subscription products that already offer a saving.

If you wish to change your renewal date, for example you misjudged how often you need the product, we recommend cancelling your existing subscription and starting a new one with your desired billing interval when you are ready to purchase the product again. This can be done by navigating to My Account > My Subscriptions > Cancel Subscription. We are not able to manually change your billing date or renewal periods.

If you change address, you can report this by navigating to My Account > My Subscriptions > Change Address. You can also change your payment method in case of an expired card in this same section.

We are not responsible for any products delivered to the wrong address should you fail to report this change to us. If you no longer require your subscription product but forget to cancel your subscription, we can arrange collection of any unopened product. In this case, the return shipping cost would be deducted from any applicable refunds.

You can have more than one product on the same subscription plan, if you add them both to your basket and select the same renewal period. Alternatively, you can have multiple subscription plans with different products being billed and shipped to you at different times.

Not all subscription products may offer a monetary saving when subscribing. This is because in many cases we try to keep the original cost of our product as low as possible, making it more accessible for dog owners to feed healthy and natural foods.

We reserve the ability to permanently block an individual from ordering via the subscription method, if we find this ordering method is being abused. This would include repeated cancellations of a subscription after ordering, where it is clear there is no intent to continue the subscription until the chosen renewal date.


Vat is charged at the current UK standard rate of 20% and where applicable is automatically included in the price.


Confirmation of your order is an indication that we have received this. It does not mean that a contract exists between us. When you receive confirmation that your order has been completed, a contract will exist between us. We receive the right to change the packaging or substitute an order. We will contact you before shipping if it is necessary to substitute an order.


We welcome your feedback.  If you have any suggestions or comments please e-mail info@bentleysdogfood.co.uk