Salmon Superfood for Dogs Blend
BENTLEY’S Salmon Superfood Blend 65%/35%/0%, complete premium grain free dry fish dog food with well balanced nutrition. It contains high levels of quality protein from a the high 65% Salmon content. All of our complete food is free from Cereals, Grains, Gluten and Dairy because these are all possible causes of allergies. Due to the high animal content in Bentley’s Salmon Superfood for Dogs, it is low in carbohydrates and other ‘filler’ ingredients. Supplemented with a blend of 5 carefully selected Superfoods such as Dill, Spinach and Fennel, each with their own unique benefits to improve the health of your dog. Superfoods contained in our Salmon Blend are: Dill, Spinach, Fennel, Asparagus and Tomato. These Superfoods are a great source of: Vitamin C, Iron, Calcium, Folate and Potassium.
What is a ‘Superfood for Dogs Blend’?
Our Superfood for dogs Blend range includes a selection of recipes with the finest freshly prepared raw meat gently cooked to protect the valuable protein, as well as a blend of nutritiously beneficial Superfoods. Whilst our Superfood Blend range provides an excellent healthy diet, our Bentley’s Taste of the Ocean remains our flagship brand and a Superfood Blend such as this could act as a great stepping stone towards Taste of the Ocean; which resembles a dog’s natural diet as close as possible for a dry complete food.
Cost Per Day:
Based on our personal recommended feeding quantities, using our expertise and knowledge with this recipe, we estimate the following approximate feeding cost per day*:
10kg Adult dog – £0.82 per day
30kg Adult Dog – £1.87 per day
*Cost based on the price of a single 12kg subscription bag (includes delivery)
Health & Benefits
Adult Feeding Guide:
Ensure that a supply of clean, fresh water is always available.
Weight of Dog (kg) | Grams per Day (g) |
1 - 5 kg | 25 - 85 g |
5 - 10 kg | 85 - 140 g |
10 - 20 kg | 140 - 235 g |
20 - 30 kg | 235 - 320 g |
30 - 40 kg | 320 - 395 g |
40 + kg | 395 + g |